Monday, November 21, 2005

"Catholic" school expells girl for...being Catholic

So apparently, there's this student at a Catholic school in Sacramento (her name is Katelyn Sills)... She blogged about a teacher who had been fired due to volunteering at an abortion clinic. There were pictures obtained (it later turned out that it was Katelyn's mother who took them), and news coverage. The bishop had the courage to ignore the potential backlash and fire the teacher. The mother was banned from campus. Katelyn has been expelled. There were "threats and intimidation" on the part of the family (I mean...what's a crappy "Catholic" school story without threats and intimidation, right? Yeesh.)

Interesting, story, huh? Particularly in light of this comment about the teacher: "She is exceptional," said Sister Helen Timothy, the school's president. "Students thought very highly of her." Things that make you go...hmmm....

More here:

Things that make you go...hmmm...